Grant for Food Program

I faciliated grant funds for the Youth Center

March 10, 2021

The city of Hudson is receiving $8,366 for its 2020 Youth Center Community Food Distribution Program. Responding to needs during the coronavirus pandemic, the community food program provided residents with reliable access to healthy food. I helped facilitate the grant ifrom the New York State Office of Children and Family Services, distributed through the Columbia County Board of Supervisors and Columbia County Youth Bureau.

The Covid pandemic led to increased unemployment, especially for low-income workers. School closings exacerbated food insecurity because many of Hudson’s young people have depended on school for breakfast and lunch.

The City of Hudson food distribution program served over 500 people twice a week. The program also strengthened relationships between service providers and the public. I coordinated a newsletter distributed at the events that included timely information about coronavirus, resources, upcoming activities, and ways to get involved.. It also served to distribute hand sanitizer and masks.

The grant reimburses some of the expenses for the program incurred from March to July 2020. Most of the food costs were covered through private donations raised through Friends of Hudson Youth.

Learn more about my work to generate grant revenue to improve programs.