Reevaluate the Truck Route

Move and improve the truck routes running through Hudson

October 1, 2021

Changing the New York State truck routes would improve the health and safety, economy, and quality of life of Columbia County residents.

There are two New York State-designated truck routes through the city of Hudson and Hudson’s 3rd Ward. Given Hudson’s population density, underground infrastructure, proximity of houses to the road, commercial activity, and volume of pedestrians, there are better routes for trucks that don’t have a Hudson destination.

New York State Authority

As per New York State law, the City of Hudson does not have the authority to change where the State Truck Routes enter and exit the City of Hudson. Hudson could change the route within Hudson, so long as the entry and exit points stay the same. New York State is the only authority that can change the route entirely to avoid Hudson altogether.

Make the Case for a Better Route

To convince New York State to change the route, we need to do the following:

  • Propose alternate routes that meet truck route guidelines
  • Demonstrate that those alternate routes are better than the existing routes
  • Build a broad coalition that includes our neighbors outside of Hudson to support alternate routes

Truck Study

I supported the City of Hudson truck study. After careful study, MJ Engineering & Land Surveying, P.C. recommends two route options for further research to replace the current route through Hudson. MJ estimates two route options would reduce truck traffic in Hudson by 26% - 40%. In an editorial, Register-Star endorsed the findings. The next step is to conduct further feasibility studies on the two proposed routes.

Better Roads

My advocacy for improving the truck route is part of my priority to improve our roads and transportation, including securing funding for crosswalks, bike equipment, and complete streets training, as well as improving public transportation.

Have ideas on how to improve the truck route? Contact me.