Environmental Policy
We are facing environmental catastrophe. We need to take bold action while creating better infrastructure for all.
October 21, 2023
Make It Easy for All
To reduce air pollution from cars, we need to make alternative transportation convenient and affordable. I’ve helped secure funding for crosswalks as well as bike racks and a fix-station for the city of Hudson. I’ve also improved public transportation and organized a complete streets training.
Support Parks and Parkland
Greenspace plays an important role in providing a healthy environment. It also serves as a place for people to recharge and get inspired by the beauty and importance of nature. I’ve supported funding for parkland, fair use of parks, using the DRI grant to improve our public spaces, and ensuring access to the Hudson River. I also helped secure a grant for the City of Hudson to fund the creation of a tree inventory and management plan.
Better Policy
We need government to step up and do more, including a Green Amendment. I’ve joined with elected officials to advocate for New York State to prioritize disadvantaged communities and a just transition to reducing carbon emissions. I’ve called for increasing EPA funding, while also demanding that the EPA do a better job enforcing existing laws. I opposed pipelines and compressor stations that pose an imminent threat to the health and well-being of our communities and called to hold big polluters accountable. I organized my colleagues at the Board of Supervisors to urge Congress to oppose the EATS Act, which would strip away local agricultural protections, block local solutions, and give outsized corporations even more power to control our food system. I supported the NYS Plastic Bag Ban and organized a tote bag giveaway to make the transition easier for residents.
I also secured a grant for technical assistance for the city of Hudson. The grant led to lighting improvements with annual savings of 59,857 kWh of power, 65,843 pounds of CO2, and $6,650 in energy costs. It also led to a grant to energy improvements at the Hudson Housing Authority with annual savings of 60,488 kWh of power, 94,357 pounds of CO2, and $5,000 in energy costs. The grant concluded with Hudson being recognized as a leader in mitigating and adapting to climate change and certified as a Climate Smart Community.
In addition, I supported the County’s Energize NY Program making it easier for property owners to make energy-reducing capital improvements as well as forming a Climate Smart Committee. I took that experience at the County level and helped establish a City of Hudson equivalent program. I support reducing consumer costs and greenhouse gas emissions by establishing the NY HEAT Act. Also, I advocated for the banning of burning PFAS. Columbia County is also undergoing capital improvements of government buildings, saving $2,000,968 in energy costs over 20 years.
Professional Experience
Before becoming an elected official, I worked on several national environmental campaigns with the Fund for Public Interest Research. I’m a lead contributor to the Rural Policy Action Report. I also worked locally to conserve land and increase access to parks at the Columbia Land Conservancy. In addition, I’ve worked with the City of Hudson to bring the Apollonia and Clearwater to the Hudson waterfront and provide free environmental education programming. I worked with the city to make public space improvements at Promenade Hill Park as well as at sidewalks and intersections.
Have ideas for environmental policy? Contact me.